I love magazines!
.... the look, the feel, the new smell! I am a glutton.
Do you get smitten with the eye candy and make a stack?
Do you feel guilty when you leave the store and realise that you have spent a gazillion dollars on MAGAZINES!
To ease my guilt I try to repurpose them!
So try this ~ indulge yourself with a cup of tea or a glass of wine and site down with your lovelies and savor the deliciousness of them and THEN...
Tear out all the pages that call to you.
Make yourself a nice little stack of images.
I keep mine in a drawer in the studio and when I need some inspiration or don't know where to start I just grab one and get painting.
It kills the I don't know where to begin and you get a little bit more for your dollar!
and by the way if you are wondering what mags have the best images in my opinion ....
Martha Stewart
County Living
Artful Blogging
Country Living British Edition