Many you have asked me what my
Danial Smith Primatek watercolor paints are ....
And of Course I LOVE them ALL!
But if forced to choose here are my top ones
Bloodstone is legendary for its mystical, magical and medicinal properties. Sacred to Christians, who believe the dark red drops in this green jasper represent the blood of Christ, Bloodstone comes from our line of superb PrimaTek® naturally pigmented watercolors.
Gorgeous in color, Blue Apatite is a striking mineral that is rarely used in jewelry due to its relative softness. As an artist's pigment, though, it's fantastic - a dense, rich midnight blue that granulates magnificently on cold- or hot-press papers. Within a wash, nuances of color are revealed, from inky near-black to rich Prussian-like blue. Create a stormy sky in one juicy stroke!
Hematite is ground from a heavy silvery-black mineral rich in iron. In a thick wash, the heavier particles settle, creating bold granulation. In a thin wash, it is a soft dove gray.
Hematite or the traditional Greek name, Bloodstone - when you paint, you can almost feel the pounding of the battle drums as ancient warriors covered their bodies with Hematite in the belief that they would be protected from mortal wounds. According to lore ad superstition, large surface deposits of Hematite mark the site of hard fought battles, where the blood of fallen soldiers flowed into the ground.
Hematite Violet Genuine Hematite stones are milled to a fine pigment to create this stunning watercolor. Rich and shadowy violet washes are studded with a pattern of deep granulation. Bring excitement to neutral tones with this PrimaTek pigment—driftwood, tree bark, and rocky cliffs come alive with texture and drama. Be inspired by this rugged violet that stays true with excellent light fastness. Hematite is ground from a heavy silvery-black mineral rich in iron. In a thick wash, the heavier particles settle, creating bold granulation. In a thin wash, it is a soft dove gray.
Lapis lazuli has been prized for its beauty, its mystical properties, and its perfection as a pigment. Ancient civilizations believed that the veins of glittering pyrite found in the lapis were actual gold, driving up its value. The stone's expense today, as in the ancient world, results from its hardness, which makes extraction difficult.
Ground from a scarlet-streaked mineral from the hills of Italy, Piemontite Genuine is a rich, versatile new PrimaTek® watercolor. A deep amethyst is the darkest value of this semi-transparent watercolor; adding water produces lovely violet-brown granulation with a carmine tone. Perfect for adding interest to shadows or painting the mottled surfaces of autumn leaves.
Sodalite, with a distinctive deep blue color is one of the components of Lapis Lazuli and very rare. DANIEL SMITH Sodalite is the finest quality and deepest blue that comes from Greenland and the flanks of Italy's Mt. Vesuvius. In watercolor, the inky color of this semi precious stone granulates as it dries, layering a blue-black textural surface on a smooth blue-gray undertone. Low staining, lightfast and semi-transparent, Sodalite creates a three-dimensional quality as it dries.
Sugilite Genuine A beautiful granulating pigment from South Africa, is another standout in our line of PrimaTek® colors. First found in 1944 and named for its Japanese discoverer, the rare opaque mineral ranges from grayish lavendar to pink to deep purple. As a watercolor pigment, it combines subtle fuchsia pink and warm gray in a single strongly textural color. In a wash, the gray settles with a slight graphite-like sheen, while the pink rises to resemble the color in an overcast dawn sky. It's a great complement to golds, oranges and greens, including Quinacridone Gold and Sap Green.
We bring you an unusually beautiful Serpentine pigment from the land down under. This Australian green-color serpentine is of a variety called Stichtite. A soft stone used cross-culturally for carving amulets used to ward off harm, our newest PrimaTek® has no comparison in any known paint palette. This surprising semi-transparent paint is a good green that develops granulating with specks of burnt scarlet-a great addition to your landscape and floral palette.
"Oh my goodness-it's beautiful!" exclaimed one of our testers. And it is. Amethyst Genuine is a rich, true purple-it's almost black in masstone and capable of infinite gradation. Although it is a granulating color, it can also make lovely clear washes.