I put my art supplies in old tins. And although I love the way they look and feel I often forget whats in them. So I used my handy dandy label maker and added some much needed identification! Now I have cool and functional ;)
No, I don't get any money from this and No, I am not a rep for them although I should have stock for all the um, lets say investments I have made in them ;)
I just like to pass along the deals when I see them! Lets face it ALL of us can use a deal on art supplies!
This is a high quality little set and it will last a really long time.
Scenes from my journal this weekend. It was about EXPERIMENTATION! I think experimenting is crucial as an artist to broaden our view and scope. Of course we often go kicking and screaming because we are so comfortable with what we already know and love. But I want to grow and stretch and become better. Soooo ...
I have been doing a lot of pen and ink sketches with my fountain pens and new technical varieties. I also ventured out into a new medium - whoa Nelly!! GOUACHE!! Roz Stendahl an artist I greatly admire is a lover of the stuff so I thought I would give it a go! It's sort of like learning to ride a bike. I am a bit wobbly and unsure ~ but I will persevere my friends!
My latests obsession with pens ;)
my first attempt at gouache - such an adventure and will be updating you I am sure ;)
It had to come to this, it did. I now need three and actually probably a third. I know, I know, I just can't help myself - the colors, oh the lush colors. A girl can never have enough shoes - no, watercolors!
I have redone my palettes so now I have a green/blue, a yellow/red/orange and a purple/neutral. So of course I had to make color charts.
Actually, it makes me feel good just to open them up and gaze at them.
I know I need Art Supplies Anonymous but I am just not ready!
No I don't work for Daniel Smith - but I should - they should hire me as a spokeswoman! I love their watercolors - Love! Here is my latest acquisition - there 238 dot watercolor paint chart -
Be still my beating heart!
So yes, last night I was busy making a color chart - I mean charts -s -s-s
Now I need to keep track of what I buy because - Guess what? I have purchased doubles .... several ... umm many times - insert sheepish grin here ;/