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October 28, 2013


Jessica Herman Goodson

Hi Gina! I love these pages and that you did them right in your NME. Brilliant! I love the photos that you chose AND the caution tape! Where did you find that?! I swear sometimes I feel like I need that tape to give Chad a heads up/warning. Also, you were the first person who mentioned Brene to me (I think she was speaking in Boulder or something). I thank you for that because I was woefully ignorant to the gifts of vulnerability and what it really meant. Thanks for sharing your pages!


Gina, it was YOU who introduced me to Brene a long time ago. I also signed up for this exercise/discipline and my daughter, Rachel, has joined me. It segues nicely with your NME journaling program. You are a good role model for embracing your vulnerability and putting yourself out there. You and Brene have much in common... Glad you are my friend.


I'm taking this course, too! I love your interpretation of the exercises.
At 58 years old, I'm struggling to figure out what is Authentic in me, having spent so many years being whatever 'me' was needed in any given situation. Interesting heartwork, huh?


Awesome! I'm also signed up for this class (stuck in a bit of a funk myself) and I'm also anxiously awaiting the arrival of your book! Excited to see where this will all lead me.

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