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May 30, 2013


Holly McLean

Can't believe I haven't found you before. I love the idea of your no excuses journaling! I'd love to be doing the course.


Thanks for the opportunity to take your class, I would really love to win! I signed up for your newsletter at [email protected].

Mary T.

Would love to win. Thanks for the opportunity!


yea!! another opportunity!! Thank you!!


I posted my comment earlier but I don't see among the ones above. I must have done something wrong...
Again, thanks for this wonderful giveaway

Susan M

So excited I found you via Pam Garrison's blog. Signed up for your newsletter and can't wait explore! Thanks for sharing.


My mind is racing! Pick me Pick me! Oh so awesome!!!
Please universe pick me! :)


Yes! I would LOVE to win. klucking(at)fairpoint(dot)net

Renelde Napoli

Wow, that's an amazing giveaway. I'd love to win... And if I don't, well, I might have to register anyway.

Margie Picard

I try to paint every day and I love your journaling. I have been trying to start my journal which is nothing like yours but I would love to be able to do it like yours so I will be visiting this site often.

julie m

the topics listed are interesting. the variety would be fun. thank you for a chance to win.


I would love to win this generous prize. I need no more excuses!!!


SO awesome! Thanks for the links to all these great blogs, and chances to win!


Thanks because I surely need a kick in the pants most days and thanks for the opportunity!


Thank you for another chance to win!!


First time to your awesome blog, would love a chance to win!

Tammy V

Yay! One more chance to win! stvan3 @ comcast. net. Thank you!


This would be fun! Signing up for your newsletter! gregnsarahmartin at hotmail dot com Thanks for the chance to win!


Wow what a fabulous price! Love the title, no more excuses... yep. *laughs* written for people like me.
I'm also signing up for the newsletter. Best of luck everyone!

Kelley Fewer

This is just what I need! So glad I found your blog, and I think I have to register for this, even if I don't win...although winning would be nice:)

Shine on!

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