My latest creative endeavor has been painting the backdrop for my son's 4th grade play ....
OMG, Gina, little did I know some 6 years ago what a force you were/are to be reckoned with!! The explosion of creativity just keeps expanding - you go girl!!. I did sign up for the Dirty Footpints workshop but as yet can't find the time to do it. Happy for your success and missing contact via Artfest or Art and Soul!! You were such a part of my intro to alternative art!!! Take care cutie and continue to thrive!! Love, Ginny
OMG, Gina, little did I know some 6 years ago what a force you were/are to be reckoned with!! The explosion of creativity just keeps expanding - you go girl!!. I did sign up for the Dirty Footpints workshop but as yet can't find the time to do it. Happy for your success and missing contact via Artfest or Art and Soul!! You were such a part of my intro to alternative art!!! Take care cutie and continue to thrive!! Love, Ginny
Posted by: Ginnyballou | June 02, 2012 at 03:44 PM