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February 26, 2011



So cute on you! Feathering...I cannot tell you the amount of time I spent on my freakin hair back in those days....if I return to that I will never get any art done!l. You look fantastic!



Maija Lepore

You are beautiful Gina!!!


Love it! The bangs are great, awesome idea-feathers. Would love to see them in person!


Looks great on you Gina! I think bangs are wonderful anyway, and they look great on you. The feathers are such a fun touch, I had no idea they could add something like that, very pretty. Now you need to go out and show yourself off!


My feathers have survived 5 full weeks now! They are FUN. The only reason I have to take them out is to color my hair. Then back in. Makes me feel young and pretty. Enjoy yours. The new cut is fabulous too. Hair transforms in such a pleasant way. Pretty you can keep on changing styles and you'll always look great! XxOo

Mary Dean

Great new do! :)

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