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February 02, 2011



That is really sweet of you!! Pick me!! I'm having fun doing my No Excuses Journal - almost every day!!


Can't beat Jackie, but I have to admit that I am having fun doing my No more excuses Journal as well.
I am getting to the point that I am giving my own twist to it. I gave my self the assignment of doing one abstract picture per week, and adding a small sentence about the news of the day between my daily colour and weather drawing.
But wow this" be still my heart" workshop would be "the crown on my work"!
Thanks for getting me going!

Donna Knadle

Gina I am really enjoying your videos for the No More Excuses Workshop! Actually all your videos are wonderful. You are being very generous giving away some of the spots in the workshops.
Thanks for the opportunity!!!

Julie L. Holleran

Love the impressionistic look of your hearts--they are lovely. Would like to try them on fabric and use them on a quilt...julierose

nelda ream

That looks like fun!


Hope I'm not too late. Loving your calendar class and this looks like fun too. My journal for February is a heart photo each day. I thought this would make a great cover. Fingers crossed.


Yelp! that would be me a day late and a dollar short! Or am I to late? Thanks Gina there is nothing like putting a little lift in someones day.

Dawn Binyon

Oh I would be ever so grateful, money is pretty tight and could use some inspiration. That...and I think you are fabulous, so a class would really perk me up! Please toss my hat in the ring...


Wow Gina!! This was very nice of you!!!


Have you given these away yet? Just wondering - I know I'm late, but I'd love to win one!!


I am to late for the give-away, so I am here to wish everyone good luck! If you have not taken a class, you will love it!

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