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February 16, 2011


kelly snelling

What a great post! Knowing yourself and trusting yourself are two incredible gifts. It sounds like this day is full of presents already. :0) Sending you much JOY and great, big birthday hugs, too!


Congratulations Gina, wishing you a wonderful birthday.

Greetings from Jolande


Birthdays are such a wonderful time to be introspective and you have certainly given this a lot of thought. I do like the idea of every year being "the best year ever". The signs are certainly pointing in that direction.

Happy Birthday, my true friend.


Insight is such a lovely gift to oneself! Happy Days!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Awesome post. Well said! xoxo

Donna Knadle

Happy Birthday Gina. I hope you had a wonderful day with family and friends.


Wonderful, thoughtful and insightful! I hope you had a fabulous birthday!


I have a feeling you are going to have a very wonderful year being 43....Happy Birthday sweetie!

Hollie H

Happy Birthday. Wonderful post. Have a fabulous day.


What a great post Gina! I hope you enjoyed your day!

Julie L. Holleran

Dear G--In May I will be 26 years older than you (do the math :) )and many of the statements you have made are still also on my list(--mine being I am a musician.. I adore dogs, etc.)--that is: to judge beauty on the INside and to unearth one's true path in life as best one can with life's is a never-ending quest...Happy 43rd & many more. Julierose

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